Pacaran Sehat
Kosa kata pacaran mungkin adalah kosa kata yang paling populer dikalangan
remaja. Apa ada remaja jaman sekarang yang tidak kenal dengan pacaran?
Sepertinya tidak mungkin tidak tahu dan pasti semua mengenalnya ???. Kalau kita
bertanya pada murid SMA, siapa yang sudah punya pacar? Semuanya mungkin tunjuk
jari. Apalagi untuk jurusan teknik elektro
Nah, kalau kita bertanya pada orang tua remaja, bolehkah remaja pacaran?
Jawaban dari orang tuanya mungkin harus boleh. Kenapa? Ya kalau tidak diperbolehkan
pasti mereka pacaran juga. Jadi ya terpaksa orang tuanya mengalah. Dari pada
anaknya pacaran backstreet, lebih baik diijinkan namun tetap dalam arahan orang
tua tentang batasan mana yang boleh dan mana yang tidak boleh dalam berpacaran.
Inilah yang dikenal dengan pacaran yang sehat.
pacaran sehat
adalah pacaran yang memperhatikan batasan-batasan apa yang boleh dan apa yang
tidak boleh dilakukan dalam berpacaran menurut norma umum di masyarakat. Memang
norma di masyarakat bergerak dinamis, dan berubah dari waktu ke waktu. Namun
setidaknya ada batasan minimal tentang apa yang boleh dan apa yang tidak boleh
dilakukan. Disini peran orang tua sangat diperlukan.
faktor apa saja sih yang bisa mempengaruhi pada makna pacaran sehat?
1. Sehat fisik
Pacaran sehat secara fisik berarti tidak ada kekerasan dalam berpacaran.
Sekalipun lelaki secara fisik lebih kuat, bukan berarti laki-laki dapat
melakukan kekerasan pada kaum perempuan. No violence please !
2. Sehat emosional
Pacaran sehat secara emosional berpijak pada komunikasi yang baik dan akal
sehat. Sebuah hubungan akan terjalin dengan baik dan nyaman apabila ada saling
pengertian dan keterbukaan. Disinilah pentingnya mengontrol atau mengendalikan
emosi diri sendiri dengan sebaik-baiknya. Pacaran tapi marah-marah terus? No
way !
3. Sehat sosial
Pacaran sehat sebaiknya tidak mengikat dan tidak bersyarat. Artinya hubungan
pertemanan dan sosial dengan yang lain tetap harus dibina dan dijaga. Jangan
kaitkan segala sesuatu dengan pacar. Misalnya, jadwal lesmu terganggu dan batal
karena si dia sudah menunggu. Dunia begitu luas, jangan mau duniamu direduksi
menjadi “selebar daun kelor”. Pacar itu bukan episentrum segalanya, ia cuma
lebih dari sekedar teman.
4. Sehat seksual
Remaja mengalami perkembangan dan kematangan seks secara biologis. Pastinya,
pacaran juga mempengaruhi kehidupan seksual remaja. Kedekatan karena berpacaran
dapat mendorong hasrat remaja untuk melakukan kontak fisik lebih jauh.
Pacaran dengan hasrat seksual itu dua hal yang berbeda. Dalam banyak hal
keduanya malah berseberangan. Saat berpacaran, kontrol dan kendali setiap
remaja pada hasrat seksualnya tidaklah sama satu dengan yang lain, tergantung
pada banyak faktor.
Pada titik yang sulit ini remaja dituntut untuk menentukan pilihan : kembali
pada jalur pacaran yang sehat ataukah
hanyut dalam dorongan hasrat seksualnya yang salah.
Bagi remaja, ini adalah pilihan yang dilematis. Jika salah memutuskan, maka
dapat menimbulkan hal-hal yang sangat berisiko dalam hidupnya.
Healthy Dating
What Is a
Healthy Dating?
Probably dating vocabulary is the vocabulary of the most popular among teenagers. Are there any youth of today who are not familiar with dating? It seems impossible not to know, and certainly all know???. If we ask a high school student, who already has a boyfriend? Everything may point the finger. Especially for electrical engineering majors
Now, if we ask the parents of teenagers, may teen dating? The answer may have to be parents. Why? Yes, if they are not allowed definitely going well. So yes forced his parents relented. His courtship of the backstreet, better but still permitted in the direction of the parents about the limitations which should and which should not be in a relationship. This is what is known as a healthy dating.
healthy dating is dating the limitations of what can and what can not be done in accordance with the general dating community. It is the norm in society to move dynamically, and change from time to time. But at least there are minimal restrictions on what is allowed and what not to do. Here the role of parents is necessary.
what factors affect the hell can the meaning of a healthy dating?
1. Healthy physical
Dating physically fit means no violence in dating. Although men are physically stronger, it does not mean men can commit violence on women. No violence please!
2. Emotionally Healthy
Emotionally healthy courtship rests on good communication and common sense. A connection will be established with a good and comfortable when there is mutual understanding and openness. This is where the importance of control or self-control emotions as well as possible. Courtship but grumpy continue? No way!
3. Healthy social
Healthy Dating should not be binding and unconditional. This means that friendships and social relationships with others still need to be fostered and maintained. Do not associate anything with henna. For example, lesmu schedules disrupted and canceled because he's been waiting for. The world is so vast, do you like your world is reduced to a "wide moringa leaves." Girlfriend is not the epicenter of everything, he's just more than friends.
4. Healthy sexual
Teens experience growth and sexual maturation biologically. Certainly, the court also influence adolescent sexual life. Proximity as dating can encourage teenagers desire to do more physical contact.
Courtship with sexual desire are two different things. In many cases they even opposite. When dating, control and control of every teenager on sexual desire is not the same one to another, depending on many factors.
At this difficult point teens are required to make a choice: return to the track of healthy dating or drifting in the wrong boost sexual desire.
For teens, this is a dilemma. If one decides, it can cause things are very risky in life.
Probably dating vocabulary is the vocabulary of the most popular among teenagers. Are there any youth of today who are not familiar with dating? It seems impossible not to know, and certainly all know???. If we ask a high school student, who already has a boyfriend? Everything may point the finger. Especially for electrical engineering majors
Now, if we ask the parents of teenagers, may teen dating? The answer may have to be parents. Why? Yes, if they are not allowed definitely going well. So yes forced his parents relented. His courtship of the backstreet, better but still permitted in the direction of the parents about the limitations which should and which should not be in a relationship. This is what is known as a healthy dating.
healthy dating is dating the limitations of what can and what can not be done in accordance with the general dating community. It is the norm in society to move dynamically, and change from time to time. But at least there are minimal restrictions on what is allowed and what not to do. Here the role of parents is necessary.
what factors affect the hell can the meaning of a healthy dating?
1. Healthy physical
Dating physically fit means no violence in dating. Although men are physically stronger, it does not mean men can commit violence on women. No violence please!
2. Emotionally Healthy
Emotionally healthy courtship rests on good communication and common sense. A connection will be established with a good and comfortable when there is mutual understanding and openness. This is where the importance of control or self-control emotions as well as possible. Courtship but grumpy continue? No way!
3. Healthy social
Healthy Dating should not be binding and unconditional. This means that friendships and social relationships with others still need to be fostered and maintained. Do not associate anything with henna. For example, lesmu schedules disrupted and canceled because he's been waiting for. The world is so vast, do you like your world is reduced to a "wide moringa leaves." Girlfriend is not the epicenter of everything, he's just more than friends.
4. Healthy sexual
Teens experience growth and sexual maturation biologically. Certainly, the court also influence adolescent sexual life. Proximity as dating can encourage teenagers desire to do more physical contact.
Courtship with sexual desire are two different things. In many cases they even opposite. When dating, control and control of every teenager on sexual desire is not the same one to another, depending on many factors.
At this difficult point teens are required to make a choice: return to the track of healthy dating or drifting in the wrong boost sexual desire.
For teens, this is a dilemma. If one decides, it can cause things are very risky in life.
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