Pornography is more dangerous than drugs
As released many internet sites and from many diverse sources, among others, such as Dr. Mark B. Kastlemaan, Head of Education & Training Officer for the Candeo USA at certain points, addiction to pornography may actually be more dangerous than the drugs:
1. Effect of cocaine can be eliminated, while not pornographic materials
By shooting through positron emission tomography (PET), it is clear that someone who is enjoying having pornographic images of chemical processes in the brain similar to people who are sucking the cocaine. Acute pornography apparently looked worse than cocaine. Due to the influence of cocaine in the body can be eliminated (with detoxification). As for pornography, once recorded in the brain, porn image will be languishing in the brain forever.
2. Pornography can destroy brain condition more than drugs
If the drug causes brain damaged three nerves, the nerves 5 pornography causes brain damaged, especially in the Pre Frontal Corteks (part of the brain right behind the forehead). Damage to the brain will make people can not plan, can not control their emotions, can not make decisions and executive roles as the controlling brain impulses. Part is what distinguishes humans from animals.
3. Pornographer more difficult to detect than drug addicts
Basically, people who are addicted to pornography feel the same with drug addicts, which is to continue to produce dopamine in the brain. But pornographer can accomplish more easily, anytime and anywhere, even via mobile phones. Addiction does not seem so much more difficult to detect, gradually cause permanent brain damage than drug addiction, and treatment is more difficult.
4. Pornography potentially lower the intelligence
As many as 70 percent of the information coming in through the eyes. When someone sees something porn, there will be a direct stimulus to the brain behind without filtered, resulting in a discharge or brain neurotransmitters called Delta-FosB. Substances that make up a person's desire or libido. A growing number of pornographic material that goes into the back of the brain, then the brain becomes less active, especially the forebrain. Though that affect a person's intelligence is the thickness of the cortex that are on the front of the brain. In short, the lack of ability of the filter pornographic material, the more rentanlah decreased cognitive abilities and intelligence.
Lowering Porn Intelligence
Pornography is often blamed as the destroyer of morals. However, pornography can decrease a person's intelligence and IQ? Experts say you can! The human brain apparently could not function if too often see something that smells of porn.
As many as 70 percent of the information coming in through the eyes. And the inclusion of information through the eyes that sometimes can not be analyzed and filtered by the brain. "Seeing it was supposed to use your brain, not just the eyes alone," said Adre Mayza, SPK (K), Head of Maintenance Improvement of Health Intelligence, Ministry of Health of Indonesia in the Optimization of Brain Improvement Intelligence GKBI, Sudirman, Jakarta (10/9/2009).
In each stage of the development of life, the human brain function changes menglami. When I was a baby and young children, people still use primitive part of the brain that is still using his natural instincts. Towards teen-brain functioning belakanglah more adult forebrain whereas when more active.
From all stages of brain development, it turns out that most potential remajalah suffered brain damage from pornography. "Teenagers are the most fatal damage if it hit pornography. Was due to more parts of the brain function in adolescents is the brain behind the job only receive information without going through the screening process or the analysis part of the forebrain," said Adre.
"If compared, pornography is like chocolate, both make people drool and addiction. But the difference is, people can buy a chocolate brown drool when wrote it but if teens are already salivating Seeing things that porn does not have an outlet, eventually doing masturbation and for good so addictive, "said Adre.
According Adre, when a teen sees or hears something that smells of porn, all the excitement that goes straight to the back of the brain without filtering. "The brain behind it can not filter information, the task just accept it," said Adre.
Then when the stimulation is already entered, will remove fluid or brain neurotransmitters called Delta-FosB. Substances that make up a person's desire or libido. "You could say that's a substance in the brain that makes 'itunya' stand," said Adre.
As more information about the pornography that entered the brain, brain function also more distracted on the back. "That means the rest of the brain becomes less active, especially the front part of the brain that should start honed as a teenager," jelasa Adre.
The more frequently used and the brains behind the forebrain rarely used, a person may experience cognitive function and intelligence. Though that affect a person's intelligence is the thickness of the cortex that are on the front of the brain. "The more or thick dendrites in the forebrain, the more intelligent a person," said Adre.
That is why pornography can lower the intelligence of people, especially teenagers. "As more teenagers receive information rather than analyzing it. If an adult may be able to analyze, especially if you've got a wife for pelampiasannya. If teens how else than masturbation?" he added.
Adre also cites a study that says that a person who as teenagers often view pornography, probably bigger affair when he was married than those who rarely see pornography. "Because in his mind always imagined that more and more, so it was not satisfied," he said.
Pornografi lebih berbahaya dari narkoba
Sebagaimana dirilis banyak situs internet dan dari berbagai sumber yang beragam antara lain seperti Dr Mark B. Kastlemaan, Kepala Edukasi & Training Officer for Candeo USA bahwa pada titik-titik tertentu, kecanduan pornografi ternyata bisa lebih berbahaya daripada narkoba :
1. Pengaruh kokain bisa dilenyapkan, sedangkan materi pornografi tidak
Berdasarkan pemotretan melalui positron emission tomography (PET), terlihat jelas bahwa seseorang yang tengah menikmati gambar porno mengalami proses kimia dalam otak sama dengan orang yang tengah menghisap kokain. Tampak akut pornografi ternyata lebih jahat ketimbang kokain. Karena pengaruh kokain dalam tubuh bisa dilenyapkan (dengan detoksifikasi). Adapun materi pornografi, sekali terekam dalam otak, image porno itu akan mendekam dalam otak selamanya.
Berdasarkan pemotretan melalui positron emission tomography (PET), terlihat jelas bahwa seseorang yang tengah menikmati gambar porno mengalami proses kimia dalam otak sama dengan orang yang tengah menghisap kokain. Tampak akut pornografi ternyata lebih jahat ketimbang kokain. Karena pengaruh kokain dalam tubuh bisa dilenyapkan (dengan detoksifikasi). Adapun materi pornografi, sekali terekam dalam otak, image porno itu akan mendekam dalam otak selamanya.
2. Pornografi dapat merusak syarat otak lebih banyak dibandingkan narkoba
Jika narkoba menyebabkan 3 syaraf otak rusak, maka pornografi menyebabkan 5 syaraf otak yang rusak, terutama pada Pre Frontal Corteks (bagian otak yang tepat berada di belakang dahi). Kerusakan bagian otak ini akan membuat orang tidak bisa membuat perencanaan, tidak bisa mengendalikan emosi, tidak bisa mengambil keputusan dan berbagai peran eksekutif otak sebagai pengendali impuls-impuls. Bagian inilah yang membedakan manusia dengan binatang.
Jika narkoba menyebabkan 3 syaraf otak rusak, maka pornografi menyebabkan 5 syaraf otak yang rusak, terutama pada Pre Frontal Corteks (bagian otak yang tepat berada di belakang dahi). Kerusakan bagian otak ini akan membuat orang tidak bisa membuat perencanaan, tidak bisa mengendalikan emosi, tidak bisa mengambil keputusan dan berbagai peran eksekutif otak sebagai pengendali impuls-impuls. Bagian inilah yang membedakan manusia dengan binatang.
3. Pecandu pornografi lebih sulit dideteksi daripada pecandu narkoba
Pada dasarnya orang yang kecanduan pornografi merasakan hal yang sama dengan pecandu narkoba, yaitu ingin terus memproduksi dopamin dalam otak. Tapi pecandu pornografi bisa memenuhinya dengan lebih mudah, kapanpun dan dimanapun, bahkan melalui handphone. Kecanduan ini tidak tampak sehingga lebih lebih sulit dideteksi, lambat laun menimbulkan kerusakan otak yang permanen melebihi kecanduan narkoba, dan pengobatannya pun lebih sulit.
Pada dasarnya orang yang kecanduan pornografi merasakan hal yang sama dengan pecandu narkoba, yaitu ingin terus memproduksi dopamin dalam otak. Tapi pecandu pornografi bisa memenuhinya dengan lebih mudah, kapanpun dan dimanapun, bahkan melalui handphone. Kecanduan ini tidak tampak sehingga lebih lebih sulit dideteksi, lambat laun menimbulkan kerusakan otak yang permanen melebihi kecanduan narkoba, dan pengobatannya pun lebih sulit.
4. Pornografi berpotensi menurunkan kecerdasan
Sebanyak 70 persen informasi masuk melalui mata. Ketika seseorang melihat sesuatu yang berbau porno, maka akan terjadi rangsangan yang langsung masuk ke otak belakang tanpa tersaring, yang mengakibatkan otak mengeluarkan cairan atau zat neurotransmiter yang disebut Delta-FosB. Zat itulah yang membuat nafsu atau libido seseorang meningkat. Semakin banyak materi pornografi yang masuk ke otak bagian belakang, maka bagian otak lainnya menjadi kurang aktif, terutama otak bagian depan. Padahal yang mempengaruhi kecerdasan seseorang adalah ketebalan korteks yang ada di bagian otak depan. Singkatnya, semakin minim kemampuan orang menyaring materi pornografi ini, semakin rentanlah mengalami penurunan kemampuan kognitif dan kecerdasannya.
Sebanyak 70 persen informasi masuk melalui mata. Ketika seseorang melihat sesuatu yang berbau porno, maka akan terjadi rangsangan yang langsung masuk ke otak belakang tanpa tersaring, yang mengakibatkan otak mengeluarkan cairan atau zat neurotransmiter yang disebut Delta-FosB. Zat itulah yang membuat nafsu atau libido seseorang meningkat. Semakin banyak materi pornografi yang masuk ke otak bagian belakang, maka bagian otak lainnya menjadi kurang aktif, terutama otak bagian depan. Padahal yang mempengaruhi kecerdasan seseorang adalah ketebalan korteks yang ada di bagian otak depan. Singkatnya, semakin minim kemampuan orang menyaring materi pornografi ini, semakin rentanlah mengalami penurunan kemampuan kognitif dan kecerdasannya.
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